RV, Camping and Outdoor Show returns
Date: 1/16/2015
WEST SPRINGFIELD – With spring only two months away, outdoor enthusiasts will once again set their sights on the annual Springfield RV, Camping & Outdoor Show for the latest innovations to make their trips fun and affordable.
For 53 years, the Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 of the nonprofit North American Family Campers Association has produced this show, organized solely by volunteers. Sherri and Kevin Vilbon of Belchertown are chairing this year’s event on the grounds of the Eastern States Exposition, 1305 Memorial Ave.
Sherri Vilbon noted in a recent interview with Reminder Publications that her husband’s mother and father were involved in the early years of the show so being a part of the event is a “tradition.”
“The volunteers of this club take great pride in being the oldest, biggest and best RV show around that is run completely by volunteers,” she said. We take great pride in treating our patrons and our vendors and dealers as if they were family too.”
The couple has been involved over the years with several aspects of the show’s functions and knew they were also interested in volunteering to chair the event.
“We hear from everyone how this is the best show because of how we treat them,” she said. “When the show is over we will look back on it with a great sense of accomplishment and great sense of pride.”
Vilbon noted that camping has always been an integral part of their lives, first with their parents and now as adults.
“As kids, Kevin camped in a truck camper, me in a pop-up,” she said, noting today they have a 31-foot Keystone Outback fifth wheel that is their home away from home. Over the years, their children have also enjoyed the camping experience and help set up and pack up on excursions.
“We camp with a couple different groups of people, and one of our favorite things to do is a potluck with the whole group,” she said. “That’s what camping is about for us: good food, good friends and good times.”
Show hours are Feb. 13, 4 to 9 p.m., Feb. 14, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Feb. 15, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Feb. 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pets are not permitted at the show except for registered service animals.
General show admission is $11, $7 for seniors/DAV/military, and children under 12 are admitted free with an adult. A $2 discount coupon off general admission is also available at www.springfieldrvcampingshow.com.
Vilbon added that area residents who have not attended a show in the past should consider escaping for an afternoon to meet the more than 250 exhibitors slated to participate.
“A lot of people don’t realize the size of the show and what it has to offer,” she said. “You can do all of your summer camping planning right in one place.”
At press time, 30 RV dealers, 100 campgrounds and 100 suppliers are slated to attend.
“We have campgrounds ranging from New Jersey all the way to northern Maine and some from as far away as Virginia,” she said. “The show is also a great place to RV shop as you have all the brands in one place.”
Vilbon also noted that the RV’s on display will range from pop-ups to motorhomes “with all of the latest and greatest features.”
Exhibits are planned in the Better Living Center, the Young Building, and the Mallary Complex.
“It’s a great way to break the winter blues by planning for the sunshine and warmth,” she said. “We also have great seminars and entertainment planned throughout the show and multiple daily prizes for adults and children.”
For the Vilbons and the other 16 volunteer couples who host the annual event, this event is a labor of love.
“We try to make sure the show goes off without a hitch,” Vilbon said.