View the wood and water of Wilbraham at local photography exhibitDate: 6/22/2009 As an art teacher at Wilbraham & Monson Academy, Paul Bloomfield had already found inspiration for various projects in its grounds, but the idea for his photography exhibit "Wilbraham: Wood and Water" began in spring 2008 when his daughter Zoe came home very excited about Dr. Taft's second grade Soule Road School science project in Fountain Park.
"It [the exhibit] contains scenes only from Wilbraham and was inspired by my daughter's science teacher, Dr. Taft, who has a vernal pool project each year I think there is definitely local interest here, as any second grader from that school might recognize some of the scenes. It also has some of my daughter's photography landscape work too," Bloomfield said.
His principal interest was to communicate the dynamic and beautiful interaction of natural elements and forms. Importantly, he wanted to remind the viewers of their precious and changing environment. Throughout the four seasons, Bloomfield visited and returned to various sites in Wilbraham to record the ongoing engagement between weather, season and flora.
This exhibit of black and white landscape and nature imagery features both traditional and digital photographic processes and will be open to the public July 2 through 29 at the Wilbraham Public Library. The exhibit will also include photographs by Zoe Bloomfield.