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Local districts respond to extended school closures

Date: 3/31/2020

BOSTON/WESTERN MASS. – Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker's announcement extending the closure of schools and childcare centers statewide until May 4 may have lasting impacts on local districts and the manner in which they educate. 

Baker had previously ordered the closure of schools through April 6. However, on he said the additional month would “allow school districts to provide the best possible opportunities for remote learning to all students” while also affording teachers more time to ensure that students have access to customized resources and instruction time. The prolonged closure, he added “provides a runway to ensure [students] can complete their coursework by the end of the year in June."

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will continue to work with districts to develop “educational programming” that students can use at home, Baker said. He added that the public television station WGBH will be televising educational content from noon to 5 p.m to help kids who don't have access to the internet or a computer at home remain engaged with learning.

After Baker made his announcements, Reminder Publishing reached out to local school districts for reaction on the extended closures and what it means for them.


Agawam Public Schools Superintendent Steve Lemanski told Reminder Publishing on April 2 that the district's official learning plan  is currently being put together. Lemanski said it should be ready by April 7.

The district, however, released a letter to families on March 16, outlining temporary steps taken to reinforce distance learning during the intial two-week closure. Steps the distict has been taking include "providing students with learning experiences for enrichement and reivew" along with "opportunities for students to connect with their teachers." This has been done using Google Classroom.


On March 29, Chicopee Public Schools (CPS) unveiled a plan to begin transitioning to remote learning on March 30 with "a combination of blended options including digital learning, traditional learning packets and natural learning experiences." Remote learning tools may include prerecorded lessons, large group video or audio conference calls, email, work packets, projects, online learning platforms.

By the week of April 6, the district will have fully transitioned from supplemental learning resources and teachers will begin posting of simple assignments while helping students adjust to the digital platforms.

On its social media, the Superintendent Lynn Clark stated, "The Chicopee Public Schools are happy to be able to provide a learning path in the spirit of 'moving forward.' We applaud our educators as they are about to embark on this new practice. We are equally grateful for the families that will embrace this plan."

The complete Remote Learning Plan can be seen at

Students in grades 3-12 without access to a computer were given the opportunity to borrow one Chromebook per family. Parents and guardians should check their child's school webpage or the district website for more details.

East Longmeadow

East Longmeadow Superintendent Gordon Smith provided Reminder Publishing with the following statement, “As we continue to respond to the guidance and recommendations provided by the Commissioner of Education, our administrators are working with department chairpeople, content-area teachers, and grade level teachers to coordinate how and when staff reaches out to students and families in order to provide a more uniform structure and schedule for families and for ELPS staff. Our goal is to follow the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education that students should be engaged with their school work while at home for approximately half of a regular school day, but structure it in a way that allows families to better plan for their daily schedule and know when assignments will be received. We know that everyone is working through an incredibly unique time, and we want to partner with our families in the best way that we can. The schools will be sending out messages on this to families this week.

“Throughout this school year, as we began our 1:1 program providing Chromebooks to all students in grades 2 - 12, we have been utilizing a variety of software and digital learning tools at many different grade levels, providing the possibility for more differentiation and personalization of the instruction for students. These tools are programs such as i-Ready, ST Math, and Albert i-o, and they allow students to engage the learning standards in specific subjects at the student’s current point of learning. We continue to use these personalized learning tools with our students during this time with schools closed because students have the Chromebooks now at home. Our teachers can provide guidance to students on moving forward with these online tools, and students will be able to engage the work and move forward independently. The outreach program is not intended to replicate the school day, and hopefully these types of software programs where students can engage the work independently with guidance from their teachers will allow students to make progress until we can resume regular operations.

“We really appreciate the incredible patience, adaptability, and cooperation we have seen from our students, families, and staff during this very unique time. We will continue to work together to get through this challenge, and hopefully, return to regular operations on May 4.”

Gateway Regional School District

Gateway Regional High School Superintendent David Hopson said the extended closure would have no impact on the final day of school, which is scheduled for June 17. He added graduation has been postponed and the district would make a determination on how to proceed after the state of emergency is relaxed by Baker.

The time away from the classroom, however, is something he remains concerned about.

“There is no online instruction that is equal to that of having staff in a live classroom so, despite our efforts to provide educational enhancement activities, our teachers, paraprofessionals, and curriculum director will have much to do – and the amount will depend on the final length of closure – to try and determine where individual students are and how to attempt to get everyone back on track,”?he said.

To address grading, Hopson explained DESE has recommended a “credit/no credit” system, which he said is similar to the pass/fail system the district had already put in place.

“We will have third quarter grades out soon but have not decided on how to address fourth quarter grades, especially at the high school level,” Hopson said. “This will all play into promotion and graduation but I suspect there may be additional guidance from DESE as the closure continues.”

In the meantime, grab and go meals will continue to be offered to all students in the district on days that the schools would have been in session, meaning no meals will be provided during the upcoming spring break.

Hopson also said the coronavirus shutdowns could have a significant budgetary impact.

“There are a number of concerns,” he said. “The towns want to know if we're going to provide them with ‘refunds’ of the savings – which, if they were to occur, are handled through the existing laws and regulations around a district’s Excess and Deficiency Fund.
“We are not sure if we’ll actually see overall savings as it’s likely our cafeteria program will be significantly in the red; if we don't pay for transportation services, there is no corresponding regional transportation reimbursement; there may be utility savings but utilities are lower in the spring than the rest of the year on an annual basis; there are no savings in terms of staff salaries and benefits as all staff are fulfilling defined work obligations; and there are additional, and significant costs, involved in sanitizing our facilities.”

He also expressed concerns about the level of state aid that would be available to districts for Fiscal Year 2021 as the economy and revenue continues to fall.

Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District

Reminder Publishing reached out to the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District however we did not receive comment as of this writing.


On March 25, Dr Stephen Zrike, receiver and superintendent of Holyoke schools, issued a brief note to families stating, "We will continue to update you on how we plan to best support student learning now that our closure has been extended for another four weeks. Please stay safe and healthy during these uncertain times."

Holyoke has launched an online learning website, The site previously contained home learning packets prior to the initial closure of schools and now teachers are actively assigning work to students.

Starting the week of March 30, Holyoke Public Schools also began distributing academic/wellness care packages at its food distribution sites. The packages include hands-on learning tools such as art supplies, games, flashcards and books.

School-aged children may pick up breakfast and lunch at Morgan, Donahue, Holyoke High School North, Kelly, Lawrence, and Sullivan schools from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In addition, the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Holyoke began offering its free Grab & Go Dinner Club meal program to Holyoke residents ages 18 and younger Monday through Friday,  5 to 6:30 p.m. at the facility at 70 Nick Cosmos Way.

Chromebooks were also being loaned out on a one device per household basis. Those in need of a device should contact their child's teacher or principal. The district was working with Mayor Alex Morse to develop a plan to provide internet to those without access.

An autism resource guide for families and staff was also developed at


Longmeadow Superintendent Marty O’Shea penned a letter to the district on March 29 to address the new back-to-school start date.

“With Massachusetts Governor Baker’s announcement that schools in Massachusetts will open no earlier than Monday, May 4, the Longmeadow Public Schools will transition to the new phase of Remote Learning. The direction LPS takes in the next five weeks is based on the unique needs of our learning community and the latest direction and recommendations received from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and other agencies. The general, cross-district adjustments that are described below will be supplemented with school specific information early this week.

“Parents/Guardians can expect the following moving forward:
• Enhanced Structure: In ways that will be defined by each grade span (pK-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12), the remote learning that students engage in will be more structured. We will adhere to the MA DESE recommendation that students engage in meaningful and productive learning for approximately half the length of a regular school day. This recognizes that children need additional time for reviewing assignments and organizing their work. Additionally, it is expected that students have time each day for physical activity and arts-based enrichment.
• Video Conferencing: Following the guidelines that were issued to families and staff on March 25, educators, using their professional judgement, may have begun using Zoom and Google Meet to maintain essential teacher-learner connections. While these tools are currently in use in Grades 3-12, we will also introduce video lessons at grades PreK - 2. These lessons may be pre-recorded or may be synchronous lessons using Google Meet or Zoom for Education. If your PreK through the 2nd-grade child is in need of an appropriate device for their grade level, please email:
• New material and concepts: We will continue to focus on remote learning that reinforces and enhances previously taught skills and provides extension, enrichment and appropriate challenge. However, in some cases, teachers will use their professional judgement to introduce new material or new concepts. Under the guidance of their school principal, educators will need to work collaboratively across subject or grade-level teams to ensure that this is done with consistency. Educators will also need to work with Interventionists, Special Education teachers, Academic Tutors, Classroom Assistants, Paraprofessionals and English Language Learner teachers to ensure that there is a plan to make new material accessible to all learners.
• Assessment/Feedback: In grades PreK-5, student demonstrations of learning will continue to be shared with the teacher, when practically possible. Feedback, as necessary, will be regularly provided. In Grades 6-12, per a practice that has been recommended by MA DESE and widely adopted across the state, academic content will be graded on a pass/fail basis.
• Support for Students With Disabilities: The District has been closely tracking state and federal advisories on how to provide equity and access for all learners during the closure period. Longmeadow will continue to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students. Working collaboratively, principals, classroom educators, Special Education teachers, related service providers and paraprofessionals will provide resources, supports and services to ensure access and continuity of learning. Our staff will make many modifications and services available remotely. The LPS community can expect additional information in this area from Pupil Services Director Jean Fontaine.
• Timeline: I expect that parents will see evidence of the shift described above beginning this week, but plans at the instructional level will not be fully operational until April 6, the end date of the original closure period that shaped our initial plans. We kindly ask for your patience as plans take shape. Plans will look slightly different at each grade span level and you should receive an update from your child(ren)’s principal."

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District (STGRSD) Superintendent Jennifer Willard said continued school closures would not impact the current last day of school of June 19. A decision on graduation has not been made.

“We haven’t gotten there yet,” Willard said. “It depends on where we are with regard to the virus and what restrictions are still in place. There are a lot of factors to consider and we are going to look at all of them."

Following guidance received from Riley, she said the district has begun to formulate remote learning plans with the cooperation of teachers and their union. While Riley’s initial instructions asked districts to focus on review and enrichment, the new directives are designed to advance student learning to have them prepared to move on to new subject material. Students currently have online learning tools such as iReady and Lexia Learning, Willard noted. On March 30, she said she expected the plan would be completed by April 1. When ready, it will be available for parents and students to view on the district’s website,

Regarding MCAS, she said she would “support the commissioner’s decision” on whether to conduct the testing, postpone it or cancel it.

Speaking on some opinions on canceling the testing altogether, she added, “I think those strong feelings come from the fact that these tests are supposed to identify strengths and deficiencies and people want to make sure the assessments are fair and accurate. I have never been in favor of giving a test for the sake of giving a test and I feel the same about this. If we do it, I hope it is purposeful and meaningful and reflects students’ learning through March 13.”

Grab and go meals will be available to students as long as the schools remained closed, Willard said. While there may not be meal service on Good Friday because students would receive the food on Thursday, there would not be any interruptions due to school breaks.

“This isn’t about being in school or out of school. This is about community,” she said. “When you talk about a community effort, we have a private business and a [school resource officer] helping us serve meals. That, to me, represents a true community effort.”

Willard also said she was working closely with Director of Finance and Operations Stephen Presnal to assess the impact of the school closures on the budget.

“It’s all about looking at the savings and we are working hard to identify those,” she said.

A major help, she noted, has been recent news that districts would be reimbursed for food programs even if they do not meet the threshold of displaying a need in 50 percent or more of the population. In addition, with the budget set, including salaries and benefits, the district will be able to continue paying its employees without interruption.

“Those teachers who are trying to teach their students while their own kids are at home, they are truly heroes in my book,”?Willard said.


On March 27, Springfield Superintendent of Schools Daniel Warwick sent a letter to families updating them on the situation.

Warwick outlined previous efforts, including offering various enrichment activities as well as providing breakfast and lunch at Boland, Bowles, Brookings, Chestnut Middle School, Commerce, Dorman, Glickman, Indian Orchard, Kensington, Liberty, Lincoln, Rebecca Johnson, South End, Talmadge, Warner, and Washington schools.

He said, "Our schools are also in the process of developing academic development activities and opportunities that will be available at the school level and will be created by your child's teachers, who know better about their child's academic needs. Schools will create activities available for all content subjects / areas including art, music, and physical education. Our goal is to provide our students and their families with interesting activities and opportunities that help bring back some normality to these difficult times. For those students and families who can, we strongly urge you to enjoy the activities and opportunities available to you. Note these will not be qualified nor included in the quarterly, semi-monthly, or final note."

To facilitate remote learning and communication with teachers, the district announced on March 30 that it would begin loaning laptops to students who requested one by April 1 on the district's laptop request form at The computers will be distributed the weeks of April 6 and 13.

The district also set up a website ( through which seniors can get up-to-date information on relevant topics such as the status of proms and graduation.

Westfield Public Schools

Superintendent Stephan Czaporowski indicated he was anticipating that schools would not reopen.

“Our realistic planning for us is that we’re going to move forward with the concept that it is possible our students are not returning this year,”?he said. “Every time I look there’s more numbers, I don’t want to watch the news, it’s depressing the heck out of me. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. I’m watching Italy and we seem to be following their path for this point.”

After receiving guidance from Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Jeffrey Riley on March 27, Westfield Public Schools updated its online closure plan with, among other things, new enrichment resources and an electronic device survey through which students could request to borrow a Chromebook from the district, which were due April 1.

The district was also developing a plan so students and families could pick up personal items from the schools, as well as a means for students to take their musical instruments home to practice.

While on the federal level, President Donald Trump waived assessment requirements, Massachusetts districts are still awaiting word on whether MCAS testing would take place. Czaporowski is among those lobbying for a waiver for this year.

“I am totally in favor of a waiver of this year for MCAS being both a graduation requirement for seniors and just for administering the test at all. Now that we’re at May 4, if they decided to do the MCAS, that means we’d be coming back and testing kids,” he said. “It’s going to take a while for our schools to get back to normal and throwing a test at kids and holding them accountable is the wrong thing to do for our children. And the commissioner needs to make the right decision.”

The superintendent said he would continue to keep the student body and parents updated information as well as valuable resources.

“We added to our district webpage under resources for parents and families and our councilors have now put together some resources for families and students. This is causing a lot of anxiety and stress for people and if they need to talk to someone our counselors are available.”

West Springfield

As of this writing, the West Springfield Public School District was able to provide an update with a reaction to this matter, however as updates are forthcoming.