Longmeadow St. Mary's CYO Basketball champions

Reminder Publications submitted photo
Longmeadow St. Mary's CYO Basketball 2008 third and fourth grade "A" division champions. (back row, left to right) Coach Ray Lukas, Assistant Coach Craig Robbins. (standing players, left to right) Colin McClure, Ryan O'Connor, Max Robbins, Dan McClaughlin. (front row, left to right) Camden Kelleher, Max Rye, Jack Appleman, Scottie Elder, Tyler Boyle and Will Lukas.
St. Mary's of Longmeadow 5-6 grade CYO Boys Champs
The 5/6 grade St. Mary's of Longmeadow CYO Boys C Team won the Western Mass. CYO Basketball Playoff Championship on March 15 at Our Lady of Hope Parish Center. They played a tight game with St. Patrick's of South Hadley. It was a battle to the bitter end with St. Mary's winning 29-27. (front row, left to right) John Croll, Emmett Shea, Bob Shea, Brendan Callan, Nick Carbone. (back row) Jake Ditmar, Nick Kennedy, Sam Bray, Cameron Browne, Aimee Browne. Missing: Andrew Hinman, Chris Browne.