WSU athletics golf outing slated for Aug. 4
Date: 6/18/2014
WESTFIELD – Registration is now open for the Eighth Annual Owl Club Golf Tournament, which will take place Aug. 4 at The Ranch course in Southwick.
The Owl Club Golf Tournament is one of the primary fundraisers to help support Westfield State University athletics.
The tournament is a scramble format, which allows golfers of all abilities to play in a fun and competitive setting. Tee time is noon. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m.
The entry fee includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, tee prize, and contests on the course. Lunch is served before the round, and a buffet dinner and awards ceremony follow the tournament.
Watertown Police Chief Ed Deveau, a 1978 graduate and basketball standout at Westfield State University, is the guest of honor for the 2014 Owl Club Golf Tournament.
Deveau gained national acclaim for his work, as his team worked tirelessly with the FBI, National Guard and Massachusetts State, Boston and other local police to capture the Boston Marathon bombing suspects in 2013.
Deveau has been chief of the Watertown Police Department since 2001, and has served within every division of the department since being hired as a recruit in 1983. He served for four years as chairperson of the Northeast Regional Advisory Council, an 85-community public safety coalition formed in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
A solid four-year basketball player at Westfield State, he averaged 11 points and seven rebounds per game as a senior. Deveau graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice. He has remained active, running the Boston Marathon four times, including 2014.