Channel creativity at workshop
Date: 6/9/2010
SPRINGFIELD The Creative Writing Course led by Eric Bascom will begin a Summer Session on June 22. It will meet from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, running through June, July and August.
The course has been ongoing for the past year and currently numbers 10 participants. Each writer brings a piece of original work that can be read in five to eight minutes and shares it with the group. Bascom, who is the retired pastor formerly of Faith United Church in Springfield, then offers comments as to grammar, voice, syntax and style, and suggestions for improvement.
The daily drama of human life is material from which good stories are written and, said Bascom, "Everyone has a tale to tell." Many wind up in collections for memoirs or as a legacy for grandchildren, and some find their way to publication.
There is a registration fee of $30 for the 10-session series. Those interested can contact the leader at 782-3858 or through Faith United Church, 52 Sumner Ave., Springfield MA 01108.