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HCC hosts 'The Book Show' art exhibit

Date: 3/5/2015

HOLYOKE – The Taber Art Gallery at Holyoke Community College will present “The Book Show,” artwork from Dean Nimmer’s new book, Creating Abstract Art: Ideas and Inspirations for Passionate Art-Making (North Light Books, 2014) now through March 12.

Much of the original artwork depicted in Nimmer’s book is on view in this group exhibition, including pieces from former students who took Nimmer’s classes at HCC.

The show includes pieces by Gary Hallgren, Frank Ozereko, Vitek Kruta,  Amber Krawczyk,  Jaims Presnell,  Janet Stupak,  Louise Laplante, Peter Dellert, Taiga Ermansons, Louise Kohrman, Bruce Fowler, Carolyn Lyons Horan, Budge Hyde, Olivia Bernard, Sean Greene, Tyler Vouros, Jason Antaya,  Morgyn Stranahan, Liz Chalfin, Chris Nelson, Joanne Holtje, Janet Stupak, Devora Mache, Dean Nimmer, Robert Neuman, Rudy Ternbach, David Poppie, and Christopher Willingham.

Nimmer, who lives in Holyoke, and Christopher Willingham are on the art faculty at HCC.

The Taber Art Gallery is open Monday through Thursdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during regular school sessions. It is free and open to the public and located through the HCC Campus Library lobby on the second floor of the HCC Donahue Building, 303 Homestead Ave., Holyoke.

For more information, contact Amy Johnquest, director, Taber Art Gallery, at 552-2614.