The grounds of the Norcross Center at 89 Maple St. in East Longmeadow will be transformed into a carnival Monte Carlo atmosphere for an evening of gaming, entertainment, door prizes and great food on Sept. 27 from 6 p.m. to midnight. A large tent will be decorated for the gaming venue and another for free food donated by Spoletos, Frigos, Fazio's and the Cafe Lebanon, which is preparing a new specialty for the occasion. Admission is $10 at the door for adults over 21, and the hours are from 6 p.m. to midnight. The house and barn will be open for viewing. Live music will be provided by the David Houghton Trio, a rising group of young musicians from East Longmeadow who have been making the musical circuit this summer in the Springfield area. A limited print of Douglas Brega's "Widow's Walk" framed by J. H. Miller of Springfield will lead the list of door prizes, and a full size pinball machine and Frog's Leap Wine with a set of wine glasses provided by the Friends of the Norcross Center. Other donors of door prizes are Verizon, Forestiere Funeral Services, WGBY of Springfield, Rocky's Ace Hardware, Williams Distributors, Graziano Gardens and others. This is a fundraiser to sustain the mortgage payments on the Norcross Center until the state releases the money voted by the townspeople to pay off the mortgage from CPC funds, so that the center can focus on the further development of the history research center, the Feffer Art Center and to develop the grounds as a park facility for public outdoor functions. Also an endowment fund is being established for the future development and operation of programs for the center. Donations for this cause may be made directly to the Norcross Center by those not attending this event by a check directly to the center. Memorial donations may also be made for this purpose. Local businesses are invited to join this effort by donations of money, sponsorships, and gifts for prizes. All donations are tax deductible and would go far to sustain the Norcross Center until the state approves the release of funds for the mortgage. For donations, participation or further information, call Tony Zampicini, chairman of the East Longmeadow Historical Commission who is co-chairman of the event at 525-9755 with Mary Swords, president of the Norcross Center. |