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Quicken your chances at love

Date: 11/10/2008

Springfield Long, boring dates are a thing of the past. The new way for singles to meet is speed dating. Highlighted on the "Today Show," "Oprah!" and "Sex and the City," now comes to town for single professionals. The next local event will take place Dec. 3 at Shakago's Martini and Piano Bar in Springfield.

Research shows that the chemistry between two people occurs within the first few minutes of meeting. With you go on up to 12 six-minute dates in one evening. There's no rejection and you can quickly determine who you would truly like to hear from again.

"When you go to a nightclub or a bar, there's no certainty of meeting someone," Western Mass Event Coordinator Dana Murphy said. "With, busy professionals don't waste time with those issues. is a six-minute 'test-drive' without the stress or embarrassment of being rejected on the spot."

For less than the cost of an average date, Western Mass singles pay just $35 to attend events., now in over 103 regioin across the country including Western Mass, is an alternative to the bar or nightclub scene for singles looking for a more upscale, efficient and fun way to meet other local singles. Events are taking place each month at trendy spots around the region, organized by age and special interest groups.

For more information and to register, visit Online registration is required, and parties fill up quickly.

The next speed dating event is Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at the Shakago Martini & Piano Bar, 23 Hampden St. in Springfield. Session age range for this event: 39 to 52.

After that, Jan. 14 at 6:30 p.m. will be the next. It will also take place at Shakago Martini & Piano Bar. The session age range for this event: 25 to 35.