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Westfield Arts on the Green to feature works of local artisans

By Lori O'Brien


WESTFIELD-The Westfield Green will come alive on Sept. 3 as more than 25 local artisans and entertainers participate in Westfield Arts on the Green.

Westfield Arts on the Green sets itself apart from other art festivals because it plays a vital role in supporting the careers of many local artists," said Michelle Iglesias, one of the organizers of the event and herself an exhibitor. All forms of fine arts will be on display on the Westfield Green including acrylic, watercolor, pastel and oil paintings, ceramic sculpture, printmaking, jewelry, woodworking and handcrafted guitars.

Artisans scheduled to exhibit include Carole Balise, watercolor landscapes; Jennifer Barratt, surreal acrylic paintings; Jane Barrientos, Tromp Loiel oil paintings; Karen Bauer, mixed media figure paintings; Jennifer Delgado, mixed media abstract and figure paintings; Jennifer Dorgan, acrylic paintings; Steve Calcasola, watercolor landscapes; Lee Ann Casey, mixed media paper cards; Edward Champigny, Kimmy Koi Art oil paintings; Ellie Dias, pastel and watercolor paintings, and John Dunphy, streetscape oil paintings. Also, Mickey Encalade, pastel floral and landscape paintings; Sharon Harris, oil and acrylic landscape paintings; Tracy Kochanski, handcarved wooden horses and woodspirits; Tom Krivacs, original fresco acrylic paintings; Janet Miller, oil paintings; Richard Nowak, floral and landscape textured oil paintings; Deborah Padden, pastel and oil figure paintings; Jackie Sears, wire beading and watercolor paintings; Shiraza, handcrafted beaded jewelry; Dan Smart, wooden guitars, boxes and earrings; Marcy Sulda, natural and glass jewelry; Kristine Topor, oil paintings; Michael Zimmerman, stained glass, and Robert Youngman, oil pastel paintings. Iglesias will exhibit her photography work.

A highlight of the festivities is live music and several performances are planned throughout the day. Performers will include Maxx Tone from noon to 2 p.m., Matt Hebert from 2:30 to 4 p.m., and the Swinging Steaks from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. A Poi Artist and belly dancers will also entertain audiences throughout the day.

In conjunction with the festival, a fundraiser is planned for the Westfield Downtown Performing Arts Series (WDPAS). At press time, Iglesias said it was still being determined if the fundraiser would be a silent auction or a raffle. The WDPAS is a division of the Westfield Community Development Center, a private nonprofit agency that undertakes community and economic development projects to improve the well-being of the city. The WDPAS is a volunteer-driven effort to present family-oriented performances in downtown venues which represent a variety of cultures and interests, according to Iglesias.

Since its founding in 2002, the series has sponsored 24 events and attracted an audience of more than 3,000 people.

Westfield Arts on the Green is planned rain or shine from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., adjacent to the Westfield Athenaeum.

For more information, call Iglesias at (413) 572-1600.