Let us introduce ourselves. We are Maureen & Don Anderson, co-owners of The Cruise Store. A line from an Austin Powers movie went "Some of you I know, some of you I am meeting for the first time." That is how we feel right now. Our friends who get the East Longmeadow edition have been reading this column for about a year now, and we thank you for your support and comments. We now welcome new readers from the other editions of the Reminder. The question you may ask is who are we and what do we know about travel? Let us introduce ourselves. Maureen and Don Anderson are married, co-owners of The Cruise Store and met on a cruise in 2000. Maureen was at that time, Vice President of Training and Technology for another large travel agency. Don has been and is a practicing real estate and probate attorney since 1983, and a founded the Cruise Store in 1991. Maureen has 30 years experience in all types of travel, and since 2005 she has been President of the Cruise Store. Don is an admitted cruiseaholic, having been on over 90 cruises (albeit many less than 7 days). You may recognize Don from doing interviews and commercials on some of our local radio stations. The Cruise Store is based in East Longmeadow in a storefront location next to the Dunkin Donuts on Maple Street. It owns many websites including www.CruiseStore.com and one of the highest internet ranked military sites www.MilitaryCruises.com . We offer a wide range of travel services from cruises, resort vacations, Vegas, Disney, travel insurance, foreign currency exchange, travel related legal services such as wills and power of attorney and more. You know what they say about assumptions? Just because we are based in your backyard does not mean we are a small company. We have clients from all over the US and the world. Don't be fooled when you see a website offer "75% off" or "exclusive last minute deals". Guess what? We most likely have the same deals and more. Our philosophy is simple- work WITH and FOR you to plan the vacation that is the best fit and price for you, while offering great customer service without costing you extra. Now that you've met us, don't be a stranger. Stop in at 55 Maple Street, East Longmeadow and say hi. Drop us an email at anderson@cruisestore.com or call us at 525-9001. Let us know what subjects you want covered in this column. Welcome aboard! |