Date: 12/15/2016
WEST SPRINGFIELD – Alexis Anamisis loves to sing and she is putting her talent to good use.
The 12-year-old West Springfield resident recently completed an album of Christmas music, which she is selling to raise funds for the West Side-based charity Soupy for Loopy.
According to her mother Michelle 200 CDs were produced and all but eight have been sold.
Michelle explained to Reminder Publications that her daughter has been singing since third grade in school choruses. She attended the summer camp in July operated by Dan Kane – known for his musical groups – and she was selected by Kane to join his performers.
Alexis came up with the idea of recording an album for charity and Michelle said. “We always teach her to pay it forward and to give it back.”
Soupy for Loopy came to mind as the recipient since the Anamisis family lives in the same town as the Sypek family, who founded the effort to fight the childhood cancer of neuroblastoma. The organization is named after the nickname of the late Laura Sypek, who succumbed from the cancer when she was in the sixth grade.
Alexis recorded the album in November with Kane providing accompaniment at Rotary Records in West Springfield. The CD can be purchased at Little George’s Restaurant, 2648 Westfield St. in West Springfield and Petro’s Breakfast and Lunch, 351 Front St. in Chicopee. The cost is $10 and 100 percent of the proceeds will go to Soupy for Loopy.
The Christmas album was promoted and played on WMAS, giving Alexis broadcast exposure for her work, her mother added.
When asked if Alexis would like to record more, Michelle said, “Absolutely she does.”
With most of Alexis’ CDs sold, Michelle said with pride “Not bad for a 12 year-old.”