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Bing Arts Center has full schedule of music and performance in February

Date: 2/1/2018

SPRINGFIELD – February will be a very busy month at the Bing Arts Center.

Executive Director Brian Hale told Reminder Publications the month will be packed with music and art events.

On Feb. 2, singer and songwriter Jim Armenti will perform at 8 a.m. Hale described him as “very talented” and is well known with Valley audiences who have seen him perform with Ray mason as part of the Lonesome Brothers. Admission is $5.

There will be a pop-up gallery and dance party with DJ Black Angus on Feb. 9. Hale explained that any artist could exhibit his or her work as long as it can be mounted to the gallery walls by push pins for the duration of the event starting at 7 p.m. Artist should arrive at the Bing at 6 p.m. to put up their work. Hale said in the past the pop-up galleries have brought about a collection of “very eclectic art” and been a good opportunity for people to network. Admission is $5.

Recording producer Warren Amerman is well known in the area’s music scene as the owner and operator of Rotary Records recording studio in West Springfield, but Hale said many people don’t know that Amerman has been a photographer since age 9 and has taken thousands of images. On Feb. 17 his photo exhibit, “Experiments” will have its opening reception at 6 p.m.

Hale said, the exhibit is “well done, but strange,” and added, “These prints represent some of the experiments he’s tried over the years in an effort to find out something new for himself.”

The Bing’s on-going concert feature, “Jazz Club,” returns on Feb. 17 at 8 p.m. with the Nicholas Ryder Quintet in their first appearance at the Bing. Hale said the group, which features Ryder on saxophone “are young hard working players.” Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students.

The Punks of Prestidigitation will return for another evening of magic and cabaret entertainment on Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. “it’s a fun show,” Hale said. The “punks” consist of magicians PJ Pinsonnault, Jonas Cain, Scotty Swan, and Jude Giordano who provide what hale described as “a fast paced, provocative, Dadaesque combination of laughter, wizardry, mentalism, and off-beat humor.” Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students.

The final event of the month is “Ignite the Mic! Youth Open Mic with Teatro V!da” on Feb. 28 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Admission to the popular open mic night is $5.

Coming up in March is a new performance series called “First Gigs.” Keith Sikes is producing the show for the Bing and has announced the first show on March 8 would feature Emma Kristoffy, poet Tommy Twilite and the band Baystate.

“We’ve got room for more,” Sikes said.

First Gigs occurs every second Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Bing We are now booking second Thursdays in April, May, and June. Email Keith Sikes at

“Drop-ins are always welcome (you never know what will happen). And audience members are what we need most. It’s only $5 [admission] and it all goes to the band. Plus we will pass the hat after every performance. The inaugural First Gigs show is sponsored by Keith Sikes Photography who will pay the cost for the hall,” Sikes added.

The Bing Arts Center is at 716 Sumner Ave. Additional information can be found on its Facebook page.