CHICOPEE Four doo-wop bands will take the stage June 8 at the Castle of Knights for an entertaining evening of strolling down memory lane. Gary M. Jones of Chicopee and Bob Belniak of Agawam both own and run the New England Doo-Wop Society, and have put together a show they promise to be "highly entertaining." The New England Doo-Wop Society's goal is the preservation of 1950's and 1960's music. "What makes our shows unique is that we pride ourselves in knowing who is out there who has the talent and ability to please our crowd," said Jones during an interview with Reminder Publications. "From beginning to end this is a class act." Jones and Belniak recently hosted their third anniversary show in March at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Dr., and will return June 8 with featured performances by Remember When, Glamour Girls, Silk City, and The Barons. "There is an awful lot of thought put into each and every show," said Jones, adding, "Bob and I go over every detail to make sure that things go as planned." Jones stressed that throughout the evening the performers receive many standing ovations. "Our groups from New York, New Jersey, Boston and Philly or wherever we bring them in from are always well received," said Jones. "When they go back to their hometowns they go back with more friends than they came with." Jones added that group members always stay for pictures and autographs. Tickets are $25 per person or $37 which also includes a buffet. The buffet is open at 6:30 p.m. and the show starts at 8. Jones also noted that door prizes are given away throughout the evening and include hats, T-shirts and tickets for future doo-wop shows. For tickets or more information, contact Jones at 478-0901 or Belniak at 786-1929. For more information on the nonprofit organization, visit |