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Last of Season

New Century Theatre rounds out its mainstage 2006 season with the late, great Wendy Wasserstein's loving valentine to sisterhood in the touching and uplifting comedy, "The Sisters Rosensweig" at Theatre 14 on Green Street, August 3-13. Sara Goode, nee Rosensweig, is turning fifty-four and her sisters Gorgeous and Pfeni are flying in to help her celebrate. When the sisters Rosensweig all get together sparks, tears, laughter, hugs and, of course, men, are sure to follow. Seen above are (left to right) Cheryl McMahon, Shelia Stasack & Celia

Montgomery. Also a must-see is the final show for NCT's Paintbox Theatre a theatre of imagination and improvisation for children of all ages. A zany adaptation of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" runs August 9 through 12. "The Sisters Rosensweig" will run for ten performances between August 3 and 13. All New Century Theatre and Paintbox Theatre performances are held at Theatre 14 in Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts at Smith College on Green Street in Northampton. For more information and ticket reservations for this and all NCT shows, call 585-3220 or 587-3933. You may also visit the NCT website at

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