By Lori O'Brien Correspondent CHESTER In an effort to draw a younger audience to the annual Littleville Fair, a new feature, the Battle of the Bands, kicks off the weekend festivities on Aug. 4. "Patrons of the fair suggested a Battle of the Bands," said Sherry Whitmore, director, Littleville Fair, and coordinator of Battle of the Bands, during an interview with Reminder Publications. Any local unsigned band is welcome to compete in the event which starts at 5 p.m., emceed by Brandon Ragoda. All genres of music are welcome and at press time, bands scheduled will be performing Indie, Classic, Modern Rock and Rock Comedy, according to Whitmore. Bands already slated to perform include TMP from Chicopee, Subject To Change from Westfield, and Stand Up Get Down from Northampton. Each band will be allowed to play three songs within a 15-minute time frame, added Whitmore. Prizes will be awarded to the top three bands as chosen by the crowd in attendance. The top prize is $250 and second and third place prizes will be announced the night of the battle. The battle will be conducted rain or shine since the bands will be performing on a covered stage. Visitors to the Littleville Fair, slated Aug. 4-6, can also expect to see the old favorites, a lively exhibit hall, rabbit and poultry exhibits, and youth and adult dairy and beef cattle on display. The always popular horse, pony, oxen and truck pulls are also planned, as well as all-you-can-eat dinners, a petty zoo with pony rides and vendors a plenty. Entertainment for all ages includes a midway, band performances, face painters and a series of raffles. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, and $1 for children ages five to 10. Free parking is provided. The Littleville Fair is located at 15 Kinnebrook Road. For more information, call (413) 667-3987. |