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Longmeadow’s Amy Dane wins first prize in photo contest

Date: 5/11/2015

LONGMEADOW – Amy S. Dane won first prize in the 13th Annual “Women in History Month” March 29 with the theme of human emotion at the Robert Floyd Photography Gallery & Learning Center in Southampton.  

Her photograph called “Mother/Daughter Selfie:  Priceless” was taken last October in Seoul, Korea.  Last year Dane won the “Best in Show” award for the juried show.

Dane also received two awards in February at the Friends of the Agawam Public Library fifth Open Juried Photography Show. “Really Stuck,” taken in Cameroon, won second place in photojournalism.  “Crazy Cars of Cuba,” a colorful collage of cars from some ten different photographs, received Honorable Mention.

Amy S. Dane, an avid global traveler, has mounted many photography exhibitions in the Pioneer Valley and Hampshire County.  

She gives lectures to interested audiences about her travels using her photography in power point presentations and slide shows set to music.  She encourages students, travelers and those interested in global multiculturalism to use her website,, as a resource.