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The Best Damn Sandwich week three: Calabrese Market & Deli

Date: 5/20/2019

WEST SPRINGFIELD – When our search for the Best Damn Sandwich took my co-workers and me to Calabrese Market and Deli at 54 Park St. in West Springfield, I had a feeling that I would be dining on a tasty Italian sandwich that afternoon. Think tomato sauce or mozzarella, the usual works. What I didn’t expect was that among the décor that was an ode to Italy, I would find a large range of dining options.

If you can dream it up, there’s a good chance Calabrese Market and Deli has it. They even have a “Have It Your Way” option, giving diners the opportunity to make their own sandwich entirely. The possibilities are seemingly endless.

As I reviewed the menu, taking in each mouth-watering description, my eyes and my stomach settled on a grilled cheese melt that truly stood out to me. “Is choosing a grilled cheese cheating?” I asked my colleagues. Eventually, I justified it, remembering managing editor G. Michael Dobbs’ original “Best Damn Sandwich” criteria: two slices of bread. The grilled cheese passed the test.

No matter which direction life takes me in, I have a feeling that New England will always be near and dear to my heart. There’s just something about this part of the map that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I’m sure my attachment comes from being born and raised here.

Perhaps this is why “The Plymouth Rock” gourmet grilled cheese melt caught my eye. As my second favorite holiday, I’m always looking forward to Thanksgiving. It was only April when I dined at Calabrese Market and Deli, but the restaurant made my dreams come true. They packed all of the Thanksgiving essentials into a grilled cheese! “The Plymouth Rock” is made with Vermont cheddar, oven roasted turkey, homemade stuffing and cranberry sauce. It was a no brainer to choose this one.

I arrived back at the Reminder Publishing office ready to feel like I was indulging on a feast. After the first bite, it was clear that I had made a good choice, and Calabrese Market and Deli had made a good sandwich. I was only slightly disappointed when I realized the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade wasn’t on and I had to get back to work.

The warm ingredients pair well together. The cranberry sauce served as a sort of spread, giving the sandwich moisture amongst the added bread of the stuffing.

Thank you for making one of my favorite holidays come to life seven months before it will appear on the calendar again, Calabrese Market and Deli.

I highly recommend trying one of Calabrese Market and Deli’s many options. Their sandwiches definitely make for a delicious lunch break.

Calabrese Market and Deli is open Monday through Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Their menu can be found on their website at