Wistariahurst is alive with activitiy this spring
The following events will be held in May at Wistariahurst Museum.
May 3 at 6 p.m. Historical Perspectives: Industrial Development and the Paper Industry in Holyoke. Robert Fowler, retired president of Hampden Papers, Inc. will talk about the amazing events that transpired to make Holyoke the Paper City of America. Light refreshments will be served. Donations gratefully accepted.
May 6-29 Bryant Stewart: Reflections of the Auto Bryant. Stewart will display his unique auto images in the gallery. Using a technique of reflections and mirrored images, Stewart's artwork is almost always met with wonder and delight. Join us for the Open Reception of the show on May 6 from 1-3 p.m. Admission $3.
May 7 at 2:30 p.m. Springfield Youth Symphony concert. Join us for a concert given by the extremely talented and young musicians of the Springfield Youth Symphony. Sponsored by Friends of Wistariahurst. Donations gratefully accepted.
May 12, from 6-9 p.m. The Swingin' 1940s at Wistariahurst, An Annual Gala Event. This year's theme will be the Swingin' 1940s and will feature live music, light fare, antique autos and a 1940s exhibit. Mark your calendar and plan to attend this lively and historical party. Tickets are $25 per person. Call 322-5660 to reserve your ticket.
May 14 at 2 p.m. Mother's Day Performance "I choose to be the One" with Ann Maggs. A one-woman play based on the letters, journals and manuscripts of Miss Belle Skinner (1866-1928). Maggs combines her talents as an experienced singer and actress with detailed research. Light refreshments will follow the performance. Tickets: $10, $7 for seniors and students.
May 22 from 1-3 p.m. Docent Training. Volunteers wanted. The first in three training session for new volunteers in leading Docent Tours of Wistariahurst. Call 322-5660 to register. Free.
May 27 at 10:30 a.m. Garden Talks: Butterflies and Hummingbirds. Massachusetts Master Gardener Toi Graham will present a lecture on these attractive winged creatures. Planting to attract hummingbirds and butterflies? Join Graham as she advised what types of flowers and plants your garden should include. Donation of $5 to benefit the garden restoration projects.
Wistariahurst Museum is a designated National Historic Landmark that offers a lively array of programs, exhibits, concerts, that offer insight into the history and cultural expressions of the people of Holyoke and her surrounding communities. The museum is open to the public Sat., Sun. and Mon. from noon-4 p.m. For more information or a schedule of other upcoming events, visit www.wistariahurst.org. or call 322-5660.