The Advertising Club of Western Massachusetts is soliciting nominations of area individuals as candidates for the 93rd Annual William Pynchon Award, the area's oldest and most prestigious community service recognition. Established in 1915, the award honors distinguished individuals from all walks of life who go beyond the call of duty to enhance the quality of life in communities in western Massachusetts. In the past, award winners have included clergy, physicians, journalists, business leaders, social activists, educators and philanthropists. Those wishing to nominate an individual should submit a one-page letter explaining reasons why the nominee should be considered. Included should be brief biographical information, outstanding accomplishments, service to the community, organizations he or she is or has been active in and the names and phone numbers of people who can attest to the nominee's contributions. All nominees will be considered and researched by the Pynchon Trustees, comprised of past presidents of the Advertising Club. Nominations should be forwarded by August 10, 2007 to: William Pynchon Trustees, Advertising Club of Western Massachusetts, P.O. Box 2823, Springfield, MA 01101. The Pynchon nomination process will be completed in late summer/early fall, and the awards announcements and dinner will take place in the fall. More information is available on the Ad Club's Web site, |