Local BNI chapter announces meeting, seeks new members AGAWAM The Destination Success Agawam chapter of BNI will be featuring Dee L. Emery-Ferrero as their speaker on Nov.r 7 at the chapter breakfast meeting. The BNI group meets at the Agawam Corporate Center on Hunt Street in Agawam at 7 a.m. every Tuesday. Ferrero is the CEO and publisher of the VBO Magazine and the new area publication "Western Mass. Women's Business Journal." Ferrero will be speaking on avenues to follow for advertising and marketing to a select women's market. The WMBW Journal is a publication geared to home based and small business women. Although anyone is invited to attend as a guest, we encourage women who own a small business, home based business or are thinking of starting a business be it retail or service oriented are welcome to attend. |