Businesses welcomed to aid Rescue Mission

The Springfield Rescue Mission, established in 1892, is one of the oldest human service agencies in the Greater Springfield area, educating the public to the needs of the homeless, addicted and poor.

Each year the Springfield Rescue Mission has a Back to School Supply Drive. We ask individuals, businesses and churches to reach out to needy inner city children by donating new backpacks and school supplies, which we in turn give out to those in need.

Last year the Mission handed out over 440 backpacks. This year we are hoping to receive enough backpacks and supplies to provide over 500 of Springfield's elementary inner city school children with the school supplies necessary to start the new school year on a good note.

School supplies should be dropped off at the Springfield Rescue Mission, 19 Bliss St., by Aug. 16.

Needed supplies are as follows: backpacks, glue sticks, calculators, pencils, pens, pencil cases, highlighters, erasers, plastic rulers, markers, crayons, composition notebooks, binders, notebook paper, memo pads, pocket folders and small tissue packs.

With your help we can be sure that those truly in need will be receiving the supplies. We appreciate your partnership with us in this endeavor as we reach out to families in crisis.