CLASSES/WORKSHOPS Improve confidence, presentation, breath control, range and fullness of expression. Gospel-grounded groups and private lessonsfor everyone with something to say or sing. Open sound circles: Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. and Thursdays, 10:30-12 p.m. Summer workshops: (Th6-8pm/Fri10-3pm/Sat10-3pm) Exploring Your Purpose + Calling: Jun 28/29/30; Ruah: Breath of Heaven: Jul 12/13/14; Sing Glory Down - Gratitude, Worship + Praise: Aug 9/10/11. Susan Ruth Wiggin/Center for Authentic Voice, N'ton/413-222-5000 Meet Janice Hassett Meet Senator Gale Candaras' Aide Janice Hassett, July 2, 10:30 11:30 a.m., Longmeadow Adult Center, 231 Maple Road. Janice Hassett from Senator Gale Candaras' office will be visiting the Longmeadow Adult Center monthly to listen to concerns and to enlighten members on the latest information from the State House. Please bring your questions for the Senator to Janice and she will see to it that Senator Candaras receives them and will provide the available information. Ms. Hassett will continue to join us at The Adult Center on the first Monday of the month. Future dates: Aug. 6. |