The Young Life Springfield First Annual Golf Classic 2008 will take place on Aug. 2 at Franconia Municipal Golf Course. The golf classic will be conducted in scramble format. The price of $65 per golfer includes green fees, cart, lunch and prizes. Registration is at 7 a.m.; scramble starts at 8 a.m. Proceeds from this tournament will be used to help fund a professional Young Life staff worker for Springfield and to help send kids to Young Life Camp in Saranac Lake, N.Y. Young Life is an international interdenominational Christian organization dedicated to reaching high school and middle school age students, offering a fun and safe environment to explore issues of faith. To find out more about Young Life go to For more information on the golf tournament and tee sponsorships, contact Fred LaRose at 363-2554. To register, send your check, made payable to Young Life Springfield, MA, with your name and address and the names in your foursome to Young Life Springfield, c/o Bob Tongue, 44 Lyndale St., Springfield, MA 01108. Entries must be postmarked by July 21. Call Tongue at 734-2071 for more information. |