JCC offers social networking class for job seekers March 1
Date: 2/21/2011
GREATER SPRINGFIELD A free seminar, "Social Networking for Jobseekers" will take place at the Springfield Jewish Community Center (JCC), 1160 Dickinson St., on March 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. All welcome, however, pre-registration is required by e-mailing bnadler@springfieldjcc.org or by calling 739-4715.
This is a joint program of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts and the JCC. According to a survey conducted by Harris International, 45 percent of employers report using social networks to research job candidates and are more inclined to hire someone who has a positive Internet presence than someone who has none.
In this two-hour seminar, attendees will discover how to use social networking tools LinkedIn, blogs, Facebook and others to develop a positive online profile, as well as leverage information on some of those sites to locate jobs and track potential employers.
Instructor Tish Grier is the principal social media strategist and consultant at Tish Grier & Associates. She has used social networks extensively in marketing and promotions and is an advocate of personal responsibility on the Internet.
For more information on seminars at the JCC, visit www.
SpringfieldJCC.org or contact Bev Nadler, director of the JCC's Adult Life Department, at 739-4715 ext. 355, or