Learn what weatherization can mean for your business at STCC
Date: 1/4/2010
SPRINGFIELD The residential weatherization industry is expected to grow dramatically as utility programs and government incentives make it more affordable for homeowners to make their houses more energy efficient. There will be millions of dollars spent on weatherization over the coming years, and there is a need for more contractors to provide these services. This makes starting a weatherization business sound very attractive.
But there are many questions that should be considered before starting a weatherization bus-iness. What does "weatherization" really mean? What does it really take to start and run your own weatherization business in Massachusetts? What kind of equipment would you need to buy? How much does your initial investment need to be? What kind of work would you actually be doing, and what kind of training will you want to get? What licenses, certifications, and insurance do you need?
Come hear about all these issues and others from industry professionals at Springfield Technical Community College (STCC). These workshops are being sponsored by the MassGreen Institute and hosted by the Center for Business and Technology at STCC to help you decide if this is really a business you can succeed in. The opportunities are here come decide if they are right for you.
Space is limited and applications are now being accepted. Interested individuals should go to
http://cbt.stcc.edu/specialinterest/#Trades or call 755-4225 or 755-4502 for complete details and registration information.