The Chicopee Chamber of Commerce is an organization that represents over 15,000 employees in the Greater Chicopee Area. The membership is made up of manufacturers, retailers and professionals, representing the business community in the second largest city in Western Massachusetts. In order to provide information and promote awareness of issues that impact businesses, the Government Affairs Committee has arranged for Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray to be the keynote speaker at the Chamber's annual legislative event, Checkpoint 2007. The event will be held on Oct. 4 at noon at the Castle of Knights in Chicopee. Businesses from all local chambers are invited to attend the luncheon and will have an opportunity to ask questions or to make comments on issues such as health insurance, workman's compensation insurance, tax credits, employee training and budget cuts. This is your chance to speak directly to the Governor's office about issues that are important to you as a business leader. In the past the Chicopee Chamber has had United States Senator John F. Kerry, Congressman Richard E. Neal, Massachusetts Senator Michael R. Knapik, Representative Joseph F. Wagner, Kevin J. Sullivan, Secretary of Administration and Finance, and Governor Mitt Romney as speakers. If you are interested in attending, please call the Chamber office at 594-2101 to make reservations. Seating is limited, so call as soon as possible. The cost is $25. The event is sponsored by the following Chicopee Chamber members; CareerPOINT, Chamber Insurance Program, Charter Communications, Health New England, and Westmass/Westover Metropolitan Development Corporation. The Chicopee Chamber of Commerce has arranged an opportunity for local manufacturers to join the Lieutenant Governor in a roundtable discussion about your industry. After the luncheon, he will join manufacturers at Chicopee's brand new Comprehensive High School for a tour of the Vocational Technical Department and a roundtable discussion about issues relevant to your industry. You will enjoy: Personal contact with Lt. Gov. Tim Murray Participation in a roundtable discussion about your industry Tour the vocational division of this brand new $90 million facility Understand how the skills being taught can affect your work force. The Roundtable discussion is by invitation only. Please call the Chicopee Chamber at 594-2101 to express your interest in attending. Because of space limitations, the number of manufacturers will be limited. |