The Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR) and the Realtor Association of Pioneer Valley will co-sponsor Course 202 of the Realtor Institute (GRI) program on Nov. 1 and 2 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Realtor Association of Pioneer Valley office in Springfield. The two-day course, which is open only to association members, consists of 15 hours of classroom insruction on several industry topics, including architecture, residential construction, condominiums and corporate relocation. The comprehensive course curriculum is designed primarily for realtors licensed for less than five years. However, recent revisions to the course content make the program ideal for experienced real estate professionals who wish to learn more about current issues and trends as well. The GRI 202 course is one of six modules, which comprise the 90-hour Realtor Institute program. Students may register for courses in any sequence; however, individuals must complete the six module program and pass each course exam within a five-year time frame in order to earn the nationally-recognized Graduate, Realtors Institute (GRI) designation. For a course application or to register by American Express, VISA or MasterCard, contact the MAR Education Dept. toll free at (800) 725-6272. Online registrations also may be completed on MAR's web site, by accessing the "Calendar." |