Human Resources Unlimited (HRU), a Sprinfield-based non-profit organization that connects individuals who are disadvantaged or disabled to their community, has announced the appointment of Debra Marvell as Program Director. Ms. Marvell will manage the Tradewinds program, a HRU program that provides motivated and reliable employees to area businesses. The program is one of four clubhouse programs operated by HRU that provide employment opportunities and a variety of rehabilitation services to adults with mental illnesses. Ms. Marvel has extensive experience in the employment support and vocational education fields. Prior to joining HRU, she served as Manager of Westwinds Clubhouse in Fitchburg for seven years. Ms. Marvell has additional experience managing a transitional housing program for homeless and mentally ill individuals and served as manager of a supported employment program for an employment services organization. Ms. Marvel received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Services from Springfield College and has participated in comprehensive training through the International Center for Clubhouse Development. Started in 1989, Tradewinds was founded on the belief that its members have the right to be connected to their community, to make their own choices, pursue personal goals, and have the opportunity to work. It provides members with a vocational assessment, education, job skills preparation, and job matching leading to opportunities for employment. Tradewinds business partners who hire members allow them to develop their skills, earn wages, and contribute to their communities as proud members of the workforce. The program services businesses and individuals in eastern Hampden and southern Worcester Counties. |