Programs will teach popular concept of Lean
Date: 1/31/2011
SPRINGFIELD The concept of Lean is sweeping through the workplace from large and small manufacturers to hospitals and other business all over the world. The Center for Business and Technology at Springfield Technical Community College will offer the following Lean training programs that will provide area companies with information on how they can identify and reduce wasted time, energy and resources on the job.
Training programs: Lean Day: An Introduction to Lean Manufacturing; Lean Day: Introduction to Lean Healthcare; Six Sigma; Statistical Process Control (SPC)
This dynamic program will be taught by Herb Robbins, a Six Sigma Certified Master Black Belt with over 25 years in the fields of quality improvement and operational excellence. The programs will provide hands-on simulations where participants will work as part of a team, learn how the tools of Six Sigma and 5S fit into the streamlining process and put what they learn to immediate use within their organizations.
Space is limited. Go to for details or call CBT at 755-4225 or 755-4501 to enroll.