"It worked out perfectly!" says Mary-Anne DiBlasio, Director of Marketing at the Total Health Rehabilitation & Pain Management Facility. "There was a need at the law office with one of their own employees taking a short leave of absence and not to mention my mentee needing to fill a four week internship obligation for graduation. Timing, as they say, is everything...." Maplegate feels giving back to the community is important. Maplegate is a member of the ACCGS and DiBlasio attends a good number of the events to network. "The internship program really caught my eye." says DiBlasio. She attended a Women's Partnership luncheon last year and she stated that at the luncheon they had the awards ceremony for the mentees and it really hit home. "To see these successful women taking time out of their busy schedules to mentor an eager and upcoming professional meant a lot." Running her own wellness center as well as being a mother of four and working full time, DiBlasio says that she herself will still take any tips and tricks she can get from individuals she meets every day. "Everyone has something to give. Everyone can teach you something. You just need to be able to slow down long enough to listen." The Reaching Goals program is offered twice yearly to students enrolled at various education and training institutions in the Greater Springfield area. Women's Partnership members volunteer as mentors, participate as role models and provide guidance and support to interested students. Graduates are honored at Women's Partnership professional development events. The most recent class was from the MCDI--Massachusetts Career Development Institute, located on Wilbraham Avenue here in Springfield. The director of the program, Jennifer Webb, helps her students prepare themselves for their future. The Internship Program provides MCDI students with hands-on experience in local businesses to compliment and build upon their studies in the job training programs. MCDI offers both two- and four-week internships. If there are any local businesses that would like to offer time to intern an upcoming local professional, contact Jennifer Webb at 781-5640. If there are any individuals that would like to donate some of their time to be a mentor for the Reaching Goals Program, contact Kathy Dube at TD Banknorth 748-8213. |