REALTOR sponsors Education Fair, Expo
Date: 9/17/2012
SPRINGFIELD – Rick DeLuca, national real estate speaker and trainer will be the featured speaker at the 19th Annual Education Fair & Expo taking place on Oct. 2 at the Sheraton Springfield.
The event is sponsored by the REALTOR Association of Pioneer Valley. Nevada's Realtor of the Year as well as Salesman of the Year, and speaker at nearly every national franchise convention, DeLuca now brings his talents to the Pioneer Valley market area. He will be teaching his systematic approach to selling that enabled him to become one of the top agents in the country.
The program features a day of educational presentations from motivational presenters, including the Code of Ethics course which is required by all Realtor members, real estate advertising law and techniques, top agent mistakes to avoid, 12-week power planning, and a 35-booth trade show.
The full fair and expo registration fee is $85 for members of the REALTOR Association of Pioneer Valley and $95 for the non-member. Registration includes breakfast, lunch and a wine and cheese party. Add $5 when registering at the door.
For more information call 785-1328.