'Right-size' financial future at summit
Date: 3/17/2010
GREATER SPRINGFIELD A positive future is top-of-mind for most people during these challenging economic times. Women in particular face the rigors of balancing home and work responsibilities in their quest to amass a comfortable lifestyle for themselves and their families, not just today, but long-term.
In the midst of corporate mergers and acquisitions and corporate "rightsizing," how can individuals seize control of their own economic well-being and future financial health and prosperity?
Learn how to control your own economic destiny. Join Joy Baldridge, sales expert and acclaimed author of The Fast Forward MBA in Selling on March 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Travelers Claim University in Windsor, Conn., for the "5th Annual Women In Business (WIB) Summit."
"Taking Control for a Positive Future" is the focus of this year's presentation. Never has a topic been more important in today's changing world. This information-packed seminar will offer a series of interactive workshops discussing important topics including Money Management, Leadership, Personal Development, and Effective Entrepreneurship.
The WIB Summit serves as an interactive forum to assist women in achieving their career and personal goals, paving the way for their future success. Seminar attendees will have the opportunity to network with other professionals and join in discussion groups exploring subjects that relate directly to their growth, both as a family member and as a productive member of today's ever-changing workforce.
The WIB Summit was created in 2005 to encourage, inspire, and educate women throughout the various stages of their careers. Created and produced by "Events of Joy," the WIB Summit, provides a risk-free environment to tackle career and personal challenges. In an atmosphere designed to stir productive conversation and stimulate enlightened discussions about the unique challenges faced by women in today's workplace, this seminar will focus on success and how it can be achieved in an increasingly global work environment.
The WIB Summit supports "Dress for Success Hartford" by accepting both cash and clothing donations on the day of the event. All items are welcome: however, this year we are especially grateful for new or gently used handbags and new cosmetics. Monetary donations, of course, are always welcome. Representatives from the organization will be on-site to accept your generous donations.
Registration for the 5th Annual Women In Business Summit may be completed online by visiting
www.wibsummit.com. By joining the Women In Business Summit Fan Page on Facebook or the Group Page on LinkedIn, you will be eligible to receive a $60 discount.
For more information please call Kisha Samuels at 237-0274, or send us an e-mail at