Small business owners learn computer skills
Date: 6/30/2009
The Agawam Small Business Assistance Center (ASBAC) was able to offer a computer training program this spring for clients who have just started their own small businesses thanks to a grant from the Western Massachusetts Electric Company.
The "hands-on" five-week workshop offered instruction on Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and QuickBooks during April and May.
Whalley Computers of Southwick presented the one-on-one Internet classes.
Over the years the ASBAC has earned a reputation for its business-friendly workshops and has presented many computer seminars, but there has always been an ongoing demand for more detailed "hands-on" training.
The ASBAC hopes to present the series again in the future.
(left) Whalley Computer instructor Keith Martin assists Mary Kiefer on the finer points of Microsoft Excel.