Spinelli to promote peer-to-peer dialogue at July 20 event Springfield Recognized leader and educator in the field of entrepreneurship, Stephen Spinelli, Ph.D., will be the guest speaker at the Regional Technology Corporation's (RTC) next CEO breakfast series, which is designed to promote peer-to-peer dialogue for regional executives. The event, held from 7:30-9 a.m. on July 20 will take place in the brand-new Kittredge Center for Business and Community at Holyoke Community College. Entrepreneurship was considered a revolution in the 80's and 90's, it is now essential in the 21st century. Spinelli will speak about the founding of Jiffy Lube as well as address "What is 'modern' entrepreneurship?" and "Can you teach people to be entrepreneurial?" Stephen Spinelli Jr., Babson College's vice provost for entrepreneurship and global management, is a recognized leader in defining the field of entrepreneurship. As an educator, he has researched, written, and lectured extensively on various aspects of entrepreneurship. He has been featured in such popular press as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Boston Globe, Entrepreneur, and Inc. Spinelli has consulted for major corporations such as Fidelity Investments, Intel Corporation, IBM Corporation, and Allied Domecq. The CEO Breakfast Forums will be held quarterly throughout the region. The objective is to provide an opportunity for CEOs and high-level executives of medium to large companies to discuss ideas and engage in dialogue based on the topic presented. After attending the first breakfast in this series, Peter Straley, President and CEO of Health New England stated, "I thought that the RTC CEO event was fantastic. The speaker was extremely knowledgeable and there were some great ideas that I could use in my business. I would encourage all Western Mass. CEOs to take part in this series." This event has limited seating, and is restricted to C-level executives of companies with 25 or more employees. Current RTC members are free of charge, non-members $50. Please contact April Cloutier at (413)755-1314 or acloutier@rtccentral.com to register. |