STCC to offer PC/network technician certification
Date: 1/4/2011
SPRINGFIELD The Center for Business and Technology at Springfield Technical Community College (STCC) will conduct its very successful 150-plus hour, hands-on PC/Network Technician Training Program for A+ and Microsoft Certified Technology specialist (MCTS) Certification during the upcoming term and a limited number of spaces are still available for this program. Internships with area companies are also included as part of this program that prepares individuals for entry-level careers in PC support and repair. Major topics include: working and configuring operating systems; PC hardware including diagnostic and repair techniques on multiple arch-itectures; preventive maintenance; and resume and interview skills.
Over 90 percent of the individuals who complete the PC/Network Technician program at STCC pass the A+ industry certification exams.
A+ Certification is a testing program sponsored by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) that certifies the competency of service technicians in the computer industry. This certification was developed and is endorsed by major computer hardware and software vendors, distributors and resellers. The test is administered by Prometric and conducted throughout the country at Prometric Testing Centers such as Springfield Technical Community College. Earning A+ cer-tification means that an individual possesses the knowledge and technical and customer service skills essential for success as a computer service technician as defined by experts from companies across the industry.
The Center for Business and Technology also conducts a wide variety of other IT certification programs, both instructor-led and web-based, including Network+, Security+, Cisco, Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE).
Space is in these programs is limited and interested individuals should go to the Web site or call STCC at 755-4225 or 755-4502 for complete details.