STCC to offer training opportunities for small business owners
Date: 6/16/2010
SPRINGFIELD The Center for Business and Technology (CBT) at Springfield Technical Community College offers a wide variety of instructor-led and Web-based training opportunities for current and prospective entrepreneurs.
The popular four-session evening program, Starting Your Own Business, will begin soon and will include coverage of Planning your small business: Financing your business; Are you personally ready to start a business?; and Taxes.
Other programs for current or potential small business owners that will be offered through the center in the upcoming term include: How to buy and sell real estate wisely; Entrepreneurship: start your own business; Accounting and finance for entrepreneurs; Start and operate your own home-based business; Creating a successful business plan; Marketing your small business; Quickbooks; Marketing your business on the Internet; and Business law for entrepreneurs.
Interested individuals should go to for details.
They may also call the CBT at 755-4225 or 755-4502 to enroll or request a copy of the latest detailed brochure.