SPRINGFIELD The Western New England College Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship is now accepting applications for entrepreneurs who would like law or graduate business students to serve as consultants for their business during the first half of 2008. The opportunity for this free service is limited to those businesses that need consultation regarding a discrete topic, not including litigation needs. For more information, call Aimee Griffin Munnings at the Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship at 736-8462 or email amunnings@law.wnec.edu. The Western New England College Law and Business Center was established to provide graduate business and law students with an opportunity to provide practical consultation to entrepreneurs starting new and building existing small businesses in the community. This initiative strengthens current alliances within the community by using the combined resources of the College's School of Law and School of Business to foster new business development. For more information, visit www.wnec.edu/lawandbusiness |