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Bay Path College to host pumpkin carving contest

LONGMEADOW The public is invited to a night of thrills and chills as Bay Path College's occupational therapy graduate students host a pumpkin carving contest and pumpkin creation display at 7 p.m. on Oct. 28 at Deepwood Circle on Bay Path's campus, 588 Longmeadow St. The event will raise funds for the graduate students' trip to the Occupational Therapy National Student Conference in Chicago.

The pumpkin carving contest is open to the public, and contestants should register as soon as possible. Contestants must provide their own pumpkins for the event, and they will be charged an entry fee $2 for individuals and $5 for groups of three or more people. Contestants will receive free admission to the pumpkin creation display, and admission to the pumpkin exhibit for non-contestants is $2 per person. All pumpkins will be judged by those attending the event, and a monetary prize will be awarded to the first place winners in the individual and group categories.

For more information or to register, contact Amanda Lizotte at 455-7768.