WEST SPRINGFIELD The Council on Accreditation (COA) has reaccredited Brightside for Families and Children in West Springfield, after an intensive three-day site survey on May 18 through 21. During the site review, COA representatives surveyed stakeholders by conducting interviews with members of Brightside's direct care staff, management and trustees, as well as the children and their families who obtain services at Brightside. Additionally, they reviewed the agency's client records and structural framework, including policies and procedures. Brightside was rated in complete compliance and was expedited through COA's Pre-Commission Review Report. "Brightside for Families and Children has a long tradition of caring for some of the most fragile, abused and marginalized children throughout New England. These children have already faced tremendous challenges, but with the appropriate therapeutic and educational services, they are able to live hope-filled and productive lives," Vincent McCorkle, president and chief executive officer, Sisters of Providence Health System, said. "The COA reaccreditation serves as confirmation that Brightside's high quality programs and services are designed to provide the best possible outcomes for children and their families." Over the past several years, Brightside has undergone major organizational and programmatic restructuring to update services and create a climate of innovation and excellence. These updated programs focus on treatment models that teach social skills, emotional regulation, relaxation techniques and anger management. "The COA reaccreditation provides national recognition of successful efforts to improve services directly tailored to meet the needs of our children and families and it reflects the hard work of Brightside's dedicated staff" said Karl Wiggins, Vice President of Residential Services at Brightside for Families and Children. |