The 9th Annual Dads Make a Difference event will be held on June 17. This free event will kick off with a parade of children, fathers and family members at 12:30 p.m. at the parking lot across the street from the Springfield Public Library on State Street next to the Classical Condominiums. The first 100 parade participants will receive a free t-shirt, refreshments, and a raffle ticket. Bill Arnold and his musical group will lead the parade from State Street to Springfield City Hall. Activities at City Hall include Super Dad/Super Man Essay Contest award presentations to Springfield Public School children. City preschool children will draw original portraits of their Super Dad/Super Man that will be displayed at Tower Square in Springfield during the week of June 11. The Greater Springfield Dads Make A Difference Committee is a collaboration comprised of local, state, court, and federal agencies with the goal to celebrate and support responsible fathering. The Committee strives to raise public awareness of the value of fathering and increase the visibility and utilization of services available to fathers/father figures. |