Fourth 'Literacy and Community' workshop focuses on writing
Date: 2/11/2009
The Pioneer Valley Reading Council will present its fourth "Literacy and Community" workshop for the 2008-09 academic year on Feb. 12 at the Chicopee Elks Lodge #1849 at 431 Granby Rd., Chicopee. Jennifer Wheeler will present a workshop "A Picture Writes a Thousand Words."
Wheeler is a special educator at Conway Grammar School in Conway, Mass., whose interest in writing instruction arose when she was working with a particularly challenging group of students. This group of reluctant writers led to two years of researching the teaching of writing which developed into a masters' research paper on utilizing mentor texts to support writing instructions. This has become the inspiration for her current project, a book which will be titled "Teaching Reluctant Writers."
Wheeler's fresh outlook on literacy and writing utilizes many items normally found in classrooms in an original way. For those interested in trying something new, this presentation cannot be missed.
For further information, call Meredith Cox at 323-5524 or e-mail her at Join us for this timely presentation. On-site registration will be available.