JCC sponsors adult care seminar
Date: 5/3/2011
SPRINGFIELD On May 3 at 7 p.m., join popular lecturer and counselor Shira Block for a presentation of her book, "When Your Parent Moves In: Every Child's Guide to Living with an Aging Parent," at the Jewish Community Center (JCC).
Caring for an aging parent has a deep and emotional impact on everyone involved. For those who are faced with this difficult and important decision, thought-ful preparation is key. But, where do people begin? What is involved and how should people proceed? Is moving a parent into one's home really the right decision? Learn how to lovingly and respectfully handle one of life's most difficult and important challenges from an expert.
Block is a Wilbraham resident, who has a master's degree in psychology and counseling and has published three books: "The Way Home," "Step-by-Step Miracles: A Practical Guide to Achieving Your Dreams," and co-authored "When Your Parent Moves In." She has a fourth book in the publication process, "When Your Children Won't Leave." Her books will be available for sale.
This program is presented by Life Lessons, The William & Margery Sadowsky Center of Adult Learning's Free Speaker Series at the Springfield JCC.
This program is free of charge and open to the public. Pre-registration is strongly recommended.
To enroll in this program or for more information, contact Beverly Nadler, director of Life Lessons, at
bnadler@springfieldjcc.org or at 739-4715 or visit the JCC's Web site,