SPRINGFIELD Springfield JCC Theatrix will host a One-Act Festival on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 10 at 3 p.m. at 1160 Dickinson St. The presentation will feature original plays by the following local teens: Adrienne Giguere of East Longmeadow, Quinn Hegarty of East Longmeadow, Colby Herchel of Hampden, Gavin Mackie of Hampden and Michael Piel of Wilbraham. "This one act festival is a series of mini-plays," said Hilary Buxbaum, JCC Theater Director. "It's a treat to witness local original talent." Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for adults, $18 for patron reserved seats. Tickets may be purchased at the JCC or by calling 739-4715. |