In what has become an annual tradition, the Julian J. Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home (JNII), located in Longmeadow, will once again offer its Passover Take-Out program "Bubbies" for the Jewish holiday. Passover begins the evening of April 2 and runs through April 10. The "Bubbies" (which is the affectionate Yiddish term for "grandmother") program was established by JNH as a convenience to Jewish community members who may not have the time to cook for Passover. This year's specials include appetizers such as chopped liver, barbecued meatballs, chicken soup, matzo balls and gelfilte fish with red horseradish. Dinner specialties include boneless breast of chicken with stuffing, roast brisket of beef jardiniere, potation scallion kugel, carrot and sweet potato tzimmes, charoses, rosemary roasted potatoes, and mixed fruit compote. "Bubbies" Passover Take-Out is being offered for a limited time before Passover begins. The deadline for ordering is March 16 at noon, and pick-up is on April 2 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information, or to place your orders, call 567-3949, X2318. The Julian J. Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home is a program of Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS). Other programs of JGS include Wernick Adult Day Health Care Center, Spectrum Home Health Care, Ruth's House An Assisted Living Residence, JGS Family Medical Care, and Genesis House. |