MacDuffie Acting Ensemble visits local grammar school
Date: 12/1/2008
Grammar School fourth grader, Allison Caravella of Somers, Conn. with MacDuffie senior student Jimmy Grzelak of Southwick.
Somers, Conn. Students at
The Grammar School at Somersville enjoyed a special presentation from the MacDuffie School Acting Ensemble. The acting class, made up entirely of MacDuffie high school students, presented a touring performance of Greed; a play in four scenes focusing on themes of greed and sharing from different parts of the world. The first story was from a collection of short stories written by Leo Tolstoy. The second story originated in Brazil and is a tale about the difficulty of sharing. The third story was called The Old Woman and the Tramp and originated in Sweden and the final act was a tale from Nicaragua called the Invisible Hunters.
With the exception of the Tolstoy story, the MacDuffie students from the advanced acting class adapted all of the stories in Greed for the stage performance themselves. The group designed, created and arranged all of the props for the four acts as well. They are led by a Stage Manager, Lauren Rosenberg, a MacDuffie senior and Longmeadow, MA resident. Lauren is also an alumna of The Grammar School at Somersville.
The Grammar School students in grades 2 through 6 were charmed and entertained by the MacDuffie students as they watched the stories come to life. The children are exposed to a variety of arts such as a theater group, an opera performance, or an author/ storyteller as part of a Grammar School education and the MacDuffie Acting Ensemble was a perfect complement to the curriculum. "It was especially nice to welcome back a Grammar School alumna, Lauren Rosenberg, as an example to our students and what they have to look forward to." said Dianne Regnier, Director of Admissions for The Grammar School.
Located in Somers, Connecticut, The Grammar School at Somersville is a fully accredited, independent elementary school enrolling students from several surrounding communities in Northern Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.