Notes and Quotes
Date: 4/11/2011
Wine TastingIrish Cultural Center at Elms College in Chicopee invites the public to the third annual Wine Tasting with an Irish Accent, May 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Elms College. Ticket: $30, includes pasta buffet and beverages. For tickets call 265-2537.
Polish Cultural SocietyThe Society of Polish American Culture will feature Mario Enzler of Stoddard, N.H., a former Swiss Guard under Pope John Paul II at the next monthly meeting on April 18 at 7 p.m. at the Chicopee Lodge of Elks, 431 Granby Road. Enzler's program titled, "I Served a Saint." The public is welcome to attend this event and light refreshments will be served. Stop by the lodge or call Evelyn Bryant at 594-6968 for more info.