Springfield PAC to offer behavior workshops for parents, educators
Date: 3/15/2010
SPRINGFIELD - The Springfield Parent Advisory Council to Special Education (PAC) is excited to bring a three-part workshop on behavior to our families. These workshops are being designed and presented by William Limero and Mary Cole, behavioral specialist from the Springfield Public Schools.
This three-part workshop will take place on the first Tuesday in April, May and June from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Shriners Hospital, 516 Carew St.
The topic breakdown for this series is as follows:
April 6: What are behaviors?
May 4: How to manage challenging behaviors
June 1: How to maintain the positive behaviors
These meetings are open to the public and free of charge. Teachers, school staff and other interested parties are welcome to attend; however, registration is suggested to ensure you receive any hand-outs.
You can reach PAC by leaving a message at 787-7194 or by e-mailing
purchased@sps.springfield.ma.us or