'Spring into Health & Wellness' at Chicopee Public Library
Date: 5/8/2009
CHICOPEE The Chicopee Public Library will welcome practitioners from the Abundant Wellness Center in Chicopee for a series of free lectures Wednesday evenings in May. The talks will be given in the Conference Room of the Main Library on Front Street at 6 p.m. Please call 594-1800 ext. 108 for more information. All are welcome!
May 6 Natural Healing Techniques for Arthritis! Retired pharmacist Douglas Wilk will show you natural healing techniques and methods that often get quick, safe and effective results reducing pain without drugs. Wilk has a comprehensive background researching natural remedies for health and wellness from around the world.
May 13 Introduction to Therapeutic Breath Education! Join Kaiilama Morris, a certified Power of Breath Institute breath practitioner, as she invites you to begin to notice where and how you are breathing. This basic introduction includes history of connected breathing, breath awareness exercises, emotional, mental, physical benefits of this incredible health giving tool. This is information that will change your life and benefit your overall health.
May 20 You can Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind! The subconscious mind is like a hard drive of a computer. You can change the programming! Diane Tellier will show you how. She has an extensive background in Meditation and Stress Reduction, Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression training, Reiki Master Teacher, as well as Therapeutic Massage, CranioSacral and Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy. For additional information contact Tellier at the Abundant Wellness Center.
May 27 The Power of Meditation & Affirmations! Join Skye Belle Przystas in an inspiring presentation and experiential session enlightening you on meditation, guided imagery and the power of positive affirmations. You will receive encouragement and suggestions towards creating a simple, reflective personal practice. Come, fulfill your curiosity and wonder about how to create mindfulness and connection. Przystas is a spiritual mentor and metaphysical teacher. Her practice is based at the Abundant Wellness Center in Chicopee, where she offers monthly meditation classes and private sessions.