Westfield Women's Club to begin storytelling days at Stanley Park The Westfield Woman's Club will provide 14 weeks of ongoing storytelling this summer at the Meeting House at Stanley Park starting June 29-Aug. 15 and running every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-11:30 a.m., excluding July 4. The volunteer storytellers will provide their favorite stories and tall tales to pre-school, elementary children, and anyone else who would like to attend in the cozy atmosphere of the old Meeting House on the grounds of the park. Many of the volunteers are retired schoolteachers who still love sharing a wonderful picture book with children. Others are dedicated bibliophiles who want to encourage life-long readers by starting them young. Still others are community minded souls that think that children and a good story go together in a park setting. The stories may be along the line of themes or just random favorite books. No fee is required or age limit imposed as a "good story is a good story whether you are two or 92!" Stay, enjoy the park grounds and have a family picnic afterwards. This program will be held rain or shine in the Meeting House. For further information on the storytelling program, call the Stanley Park office at 568-9312. |